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Coronavirus Hits Veterans’ Home Hard, Killing 12

Jun 8, 2020

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) July 8 , 2020 – Over the past two months, the novel coronavirus has spread across the United States. According to experts, some populations are more at risk of the virus. Among those are older Americans and those with pre-existing heart, lung and kidney disorders. Unfortunately, many veterans fit into one of these categories. 

According to a local news report, a veterans’ home in Massachusetts recently confirmed that 12 residents have died from COVID-19. A spokesperson for the facility told reporters that 18 residents recently died, 12 of which tested positive for COVID-19. Three tests are still outstanding. The governor ordered that a federal prosecutor investigate the state-managed facility, which houses 233 residents. Since the outbreak, all residents in the facility have been tested. A total of 23 residents and seven staff members have tested positive. 

Veterans homes and nursing homes have a duty to care for their residents. This duty includes providing the residents with all necessary care and keeping the residents safe. Florida social security disability attorney, David Magann, explains that “too often, staff members in Florida veterans’ homes take a lackadaisical approach to the safety of residents, jeopardizing their safety. This is unacceptable, especially given the seriousness of the threat posed by COVID-19.” 

Attorney David Magann is a Florida disability attorney with extensive experience handling the legal issues that many veterans face, including personal injury cases. As a Marine Corps Veteran, Attorney Magann understands the unique issues veterans must confront, and has overcome many of those issues himself. At his Florida law firm, Attorney Magann helps veterans navigate the complex system to obtain the benefits they have been promised. Attorney Magann also handles social security disability, estate planning and personal injury law out of his Brandon and Tampa offices. 

David W. Magann, P.A.
Main Office:
156 W. Robertson St.
Brandon, FL 33511
Call: (813) 657-9175

Tampa Office:
4012 Gunn Highway #165
Tampa, Florida 33618

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