New Tools Are Available for Veterans to Access Health Records and File Claims
Dec 18, 2019
Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 18, 2019 – The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced two moves to improve veterans’ access to information. Veterans can now access their VA health data along with their health records from other health care providers in one place. The VA also released a new video tutorial highlighting a tool allowing veterans to exercise more control over disability claims.
Apple and the VA announced that veterans will have access to the Health Records feature in the Health app on their iPhones. The VA launched Health Records in the summer, allowing select patients to have a more comprehensive picture of their health. Now, all veterans who are iOS users and receive their care through the Veterans Health Administration will have access to information from multiple health care providers.
The VA joined over 400 other health care provider organizations, laboratory networks and electronic health records vendors who support Health Records on iPhone. By signing into their providers’ patient portals in the Health app, veterans can view their health records, including medications and lab results, in one place. The Health app updates the veterans’ health records continuously. Apple ensures privacy by encrypting all Health Records data and protecting the information with the user’s iPhone passcode, Touch ID or Face ID.
The VA released a video series to educate veterans on using the digital Disability Compensation Benefits Claims tool. The tool helps veterans exercise more control over claims submissions. It cuts down on the paperwork and shortens the processing time for claims.
The five-part video tutorial series gives an overview of the online tool’s platform and how it streamlines the claims submission process. It gives log-in instructions for initiating the filing of a disability benefits claim. It shows how veterans can track disability compensation claims. The video illustrates how the tool automatically checks the veterans’ records to see if there is an active intent to file date pending.
The video series is available on the VA’s Office of Information and Technology YouTube page.
Learn more at http://www.tampaveteranslawyer.com/.
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