Wounded Vets Get More Physical Therapy Options
Feb 12, 2019
Northville, MI (Law Firm Newswire) February 12, 2019 – U.S. military veterans recuperating from wartime wounds and injuries obtained through military service will have more options for receiving physical therapy thanks to an agreement between the VA and the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). The agreement gives veterans greater access to physical therapy treatment for pain and ailments, while creating more jobs for those employed in physical therapy.
The rigors of military duty and combat in particular leave many veterans in need of ongoing treatments after leaving the military service. A new partnership between the VA and the APTA helps to give veterans greater access to effective treatments for pain and other ailments caused by their military service.
“It always is refreshing to see the VA taking new, innovative approaches to helping the nation’s wounded and injured military veterans better deal with often lifelong consequences of their service,” said experienced veterans benefits attorney James G. Fausone, who also is a military veteran. “Too many veterans are given less-than-effective treatments for pain and other ongoing ailments. This partnership offers real hope for those looking to get away from traditional pain medication and other treatments that often come with debilitating side effects.”
The VA recently announced the partnership, which includes developing new ways to more effectively treat veterans who have ongoing physical ailments and pain from their service to the nation. The agreement promotes the use of non-medicinal treatment for pain, while also supporting the VA’s efforts to prevent suicide among veterans. The partnership also enhances the VA’s Adaptive Sports Grants Program.
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie lauded the partnership as coordinating the strengths of two outstanding organizations, while enabling the development of new best practices for treating veterans via federal programs, like those supported by the VA, and through private entities.
Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC
41700 West Six Mile Road, Suite 101
Northville, MI 48168
Toll Free Phone: 800.693.4800
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