Hit-and-Run Collision Results in Gross Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated Charges
Apr 19, 2016
Southfield, MI (Law Firm Newswire) April 19, 2016 – Charles Canfield Jr. is facing second-degree murder charges for the death of 10-year-old Marley Johnson. Canfield ran into the vehicle carrying Johnson after he had already been involved in another accident.
Both of the accidents that 26-year-old Charles Canfield Jr. is accused of causing could have been avoided if he had not chosen to drink and then drive while under the influence.
Drunken driving suspect Canfield faces charges of second-degree murder, felony drunken driving for a prior DUI with an enhancement for causing great bodily harm, injuring more than one person, having a high BAC, and gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated with an enhancement. Enhancements are added depending on the circumstances of the case. In this instance, Canfield allegedly attempted to flee the scene of the accident.
According to police reports, Canfield, behind the wheel of a 1995 Dodge pickup, first crashed into a cab and left the scene of the accident. A few minutes later, he ran a red light and collided with a 2001 Mitsubishi Coupe, killing Marley Johnson. At that point, he was witnessed fleeing the scene on foot. He was apprehended and booked into the local jail.
“Both victims in this case would have a good chance of being successful in filing a personal injury lawsuit,” said Daren Monroe, Litigation Funding Corporation representative. “In the second case, the mother may wish to file a wrongful death lawsuit.”
By applying for a lawsuit loan, the plaintiff could immediately pay for funeral and burial expenses for her child and for medical bills if she required any treatment after the accident. Pre-settlement lawsuit funding or a lawsuit loan is ideally suited for a plaintiff having difficulty managing financial obligations while a lawsuit is in progress; a process that may take years before the case is resolved.
Plaintiff/victims may be unable to work and face enormous medical bills, high emotional stress, financial difficulties and even be unable to pay daily living expenses. A lawsuit loan, also referred to as pre-settlement funding, may offer a financially strapped plaintiff financial peace of mind.
Learn more at http://www.litigationfundingcorp.com
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